Pre-School Uniform

for all our Preschool Children

Holly Trees Day Nursery wish for the children in Pre-School to wear a uniform but this is not compulsory.

We believe that wearing a uniform marks a big step in the child’s life, showing their belonging to a setting and sets them up for the future. We also believe that wearing a uniform gives a child a sense of belonging and pride, it also enables them to recognise others in the setting and bring familiarity. 

Ideally we would like to start this from when your child starts, we have chosen the colours of red and grey. We would like the children to wear red t-shirts and jumpers and grey bottoms. We have looked on some websites and found that you can purchase reasonably priced items from local supermarkets and also from various companies online.

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
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